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Tree of Life

Certified Attorneys at Tree Of Life Legal Consult

Legal Assistance for Everyone

Legal Service for Companies

Our law firm is dedicated

Our Service around the globe

Our Law Firm provides assistance for individuals and your business

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Why should you decide to seek help from Tree Of Life Legal Consult

Our ambitions are the same as yours. We at Tree Of Life Legal Consult want to help you restore your life following a devastating personal injury. It's much more than just negotiating with an insurance company or filing a lawsuit. An expert Long Island personal injury attorney will walk you through every step of the process.

Our London personal injury attorneys at The Law Office of Tree Of Life Legal Consult, LLP take a thorough approach to assisting accident victims. We understand that your immediate priorities include paying your bills, keeping your work, and securing transportation, not to mention taking care of yourself and your family. We're here to assist you in figuring it all out.

Every attorney-at-law:

  • graduated from university and legal apprenticeship,
  • has the obligation to maintain a high standard of services and to constantly update his knowledge (and is accounted for this duty),
  • is subject to mandatory third party liability insurance, to protect the interest of the Clients he represents,
  • has the obligation to keep confidentiality of any matter entrusted to him by the Client,
  • is accounted for the reliability and before by the Disciplinary Court of the Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law (including for the care of the interest of the party or maintaining professional secrecy).